Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Some things I've learned (and some others that I've been reminded of)...

As the school year draws to a close, I've been reflecting on what has been a great year of life and ministry at Emmanuel. Here are some of the highlights...

1. God's plans are better than mine

Leading a Youth Alpha session
We all make plans and have ideas about what should happen when, and how. I've been amazed at the pace in which Emmanuel Youth has grown this year. My experience told me to expect a slow start. Year one is usually about getting bedded in and getting a feel for your surroundings... right? 

Fancy dress at Soul Survivor
It seems God had a different plan, in particular for our 14-18's ministry, which quadrupled in size as a result of a fantastic team, some home visits and the Youth Alpha we ran in the Spring Term. I'm so glad God didn't go with my ideas...

2. God is active outside the walls of the church

Back in February I had a call from a family in our parish requesting a visit. This family were not involved in the church and did not have a Christian background. When I visited, I sat down with the mum and 10 year old daughter and they started to ask about baptism for the 10 year old. Naturally I was curious and asked why she might want to be baptised, to which the response was "I just want more of God in my life". After picking my jaw up off the floor, I continued the conversation, and invited her to our groups. She is now a regular attendee of our discipleship stream for 10-13's...

3. We all need to be challenged

I started a prayer triplet with two old mates in September, and we've managed to keep it going throughout the year. We set out to be "as iron sharpens iron" (Proverbs 27:17) in each others lives, and I've really valued the times of challenge, support and stretching. We all need a place where we can be open, accountable and questionned. Especially me.

One of my favourite quotes was from a recent get-together:
"We've made the gospel to be like a cheese sandwich, when it's a huge feast. I mean, who wants a cheese sandwich?"

4. It's a real blessing to have a supportive church

I can't tell you how supportive Emmanuel has been this year. The conversation I had with the then church warden sums up my experience, in a rather amusing way. We were busy testing out the setup for the upcoming Youth Alpha, and the conversation went like this:

Me: Yep, the new HD projector looks great, as do the new backdrops. I also like the new sofas and beanbags. Thanks for putting the new PA in place, it works well, but...

CW: But...

The Youth Alpha ball
Me: There's not really enough bass coming through is there?

CW: Hmm...

Me: Do we have a subwoofer in the church?

CW: I'll see what I can do

And lo and behold, the sub was purchased and in place the following week! What a guy!

5. Never leave your wet pants in the vestry...

A remake of the baptism moment, using sweets!
During a recent baptism service, the usual drill applied. After baptism, get changed as quick as you can, and back out there for the final song. Without being proud, I was impressed with the sheer speed and accuracy at which I completed the manouvre. That was, until the next day, when my boss came walking into the staff meeting with my wet pants in his hand.
It had turned out that the local primary school were visiting, and had subseqently got more than they bargained for out of the vestry...