The following blog post on passion was for my good friend Stephen as a past of the 'Summer of Wholeness' project.
This morning my son had the TV remote and he was flicking through the
channels trying to find something to watch. He got to ESPN and let out a
shriek of excitement. He’d found the WRC Rally show. Neither I nor my
wife have ever really found cars that exciting. As long as it works, as
long at it does its job, we’re good with that. That all changed when our
boy started to talk. Of his first ten words, I think 6 of them were
types of cars. Since that moment, cars have been his passion for cars
just spills out of him and into our family life. Even though I’m not
into cars, I love these moments and I chase them with him. It’s amazing
to see him so full of energy and full of joy. This is when he feels most
So when do you feel most alive? What is it that gives you energy? What is it that makes you say “wow”? Today we are thinking about living our passions and how you answer these questions will tell you a lot about what your passions are. Maybe it’s chasing down a PB when you run. Maybe it’s walking. Maybe it’s music, painting, driving or drinking a really great cup of coffee. For me, it’s reading scripture or Christian books, taking in great views and helping people grow.
So when do you feel most alive? What is it that gives you energy? What is it that makes you say “wow”? Today we are thinking about living our passions and how you answer these questions will tell you a lot about what your passions are. Maybe it’s chasing down a PB when you run. Maybe it’s walking. Maybe it’s music, painting, driving or drinking a really great cup of coffee. For me, it’s reading scripture or Christian books, taking in great views and helping people grow.

Psalm 139:13 says “you shaped me first inside, then out; you formed
me in my mother’s womb.” (Message). This tells me that my passions are
God placed. He shaped me so that I would really hate math but really
love reading. So when I get the buzz I get from a new idea or seeing
that person grow, I am living out my God-placed passions. These are holy
So, how can we live out our passions? It’s all about being
intentional. We need to create space in our diaries specifically for
these passions. Regularly. Make them a priority and do as much as you
can without ignoring other important duties. We then need to find
places. For me, I read in Starbucks, I walk in our local area of natural
beauty and I am fortunate enough to have a job that enables me to help
others grow. I’ve also found it helpful to share this with those around
me. My wife is very aware that I need this time and she understands that
it pays dividends in our family time. I’m much less cranky when I’ve
had my time! So there you have it. What makes you feel most alive? Find
out what it is and make time for it, find the right place for it and
share it with those who love you.